Extra! Apartment Crawl 2014

10:52:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****

Hello MUGS-sters!

As you have probably have heard from the last couple of listservs, along with the constant Facebook reminders or perhaps with personal reminders as I see you in Burnside, The A-MUGS-zing race is ready to start! Our apartment crawl is less than 24 hours away and I thought it'd be good to send a reminder so you can get ready for the party of the year:
  • Get your tickets! We will have office hours tomorrow from 11:30 to 12:30! If you can't make it before the start of the crawl but will be attending, send us a message to mcgillgeography@gmail.com to save a spot. For those that reserve a spot, you can pay tomorrow at the start of the crawl.
  • Bring your own mug/cup/glass/tumbler/beaker/goblet/chalice/bowl/canteen/jug/Mason jar/sippy cup/bottle! We have drinks in bottles/cans but we have limited cups so bring your own drinking receptacle! 
  • We will start in the geography lounge (Burnside Hall 305) at 7 pm. We will wait for 15 minutes and then head as a big happy family to the first pit stop. If possible, arrive 5 minutes in advance to get your bracelet; this is your proof of payment
  • If you get lost between stops or will take a detour, make sure to contact one of the executives to get the next location as we will not give out the address.
  • We, all of the MUGS executives, strive to create an environment that is safe, welcoming and accepting of all identities. As such, all our events are in a safer space so we expect respect from all our attendees. 
  • Be safe when going back home so in case you need them, SSMU has Walksafe (514-398-2498) and Drivesafe (514-398-8040) and even Nightline (514-398-6246). 
If we miss anything else or you have any questions, don't hesitate to email us! I'll make sure to check the email tomorrow! 

In the meantime, study hard and tomorrow, you can tell me how sick you are of my emails!

Hasta Mañana

VP Communications