It's almost reading week and there's so much to do!

10:03:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

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  1. Geography toques
  2. Photo contest
  3. Sugar Shack
  4. Geography Mentors Program Reapplication
  5. Panama Field Study Semester Info Sesh
  6. Call for Abstracts for Student Conference

Hey there Geographers! Only five more days till reading break! I'm super pumped, and I'm sure you are too. Any plans? The Oscars last night were fun; maybe you can use this precious free time to watch all the nominated movies! Or you may be on the beach. Whatever works.

Geography toques

We are still selling geography toques! I'm sure you've seen your fellow geographers sporting those stylish hats, and they're just as practical as they are cool. Speak to any MUGS member to get yours today!

Photo Contest

We are still accepting photo contest submissions until March 10th, so don't be shy and submit your work! The theme is "home".

Sugar Shack

Geography and Environment are going out to a sugar shack! If you've never been to a traditional cabane au sucre, this is a perfect opportunity to participate in an integral part of Quebec culture. If you have, then you know how much fun it is! We will be selling tickets the week after reading week. Sugar shack trip will be the evening of Friday, March 15th.

Geography Mentors Program Reapplication

Are you curious (or confused!) about life after undergrad? Do you have questions about grad school and other post undergrad options?

The McGill Geography Graduate-Undergraduate Mentoring Program is now accepting new applicants! For those interested in learning more about the post-undergrad world, fill out the mentor application form found here: and submit it to

Panama Field Study Semester Info Sesh

Ever wanted your classroom to be a tropical rain forest? Interested in environmental issues, mastering Spanish, and dancing salsa on the side? The Panama Field Study Semester might be right for you! PFSS is an interdisciplinary field study open to all departments that takes place during the Winter term. Come find out what it's all about at the following information session (or check out other upcoming dates here: Due date of applications for Winter 2014 is March 29, 2013.

When: Tuesday February 26, 1:30 pm

Where: Burnside 426

Call for Abstracts for Student Conference

The 2013 McGill Sustainability Symposium will take place on March 14th. The conference features guest speakers, a poster session, presentations of student work, and a "world-cafe" round table discussion. We will be joined this year by Drs. David Wolfe (Cornell) and Monica Mulrennan (Concordia). This is an excellent opportunity to present some work at a conference, especially if you are an undergraduate student considering going to grad school! They accept any abstracts that are in any way related to sustainability. Feel free to present a group project from a class, thesis work, or research you may be doing with a professor.

For more information, or to register for this free symposium, please visit our website:

Cool Thing of the Week

Here is a map that UTexas made of the early migration patterns of humans! Start from Central Africa and trace your ancestry. How neat!

Have a good reading week everyone! Stay tuned for more exciting events and opportunities.



Dept. of Geography
McGill University
Burnside Hall, Rm 305
805 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, QC
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