What's up geog students, Welcome back and Happy New year everyone. We hope your holiday break was well spent and that you had a fun, safe, relaxing and rejuvenating holiday break. MUGS is excited to hit the ground running, we have some exciting opportunities to share with you. Additionally, we know that add/drop can be particularly chaotic...In the last couple days of add/drop hopefully you have got it all under control. If not, don't fret. Our geography advisor, Michelle is always here to help with any last minute struggles. In this issue we have some exciting things to share... but you'll have to scroll down to see! Sincerely, your MUGS team | | On the Agenda: - Field Notes
- Pints Lines and Polygons
- MUGS Exec Mugshots (Finally)
- Opportunities
- Events
| | | 1. Apply to Become a Field Notes Editor The Fieldnotes team is welcoming Editor and Graphic Designer applications for the 2019 journal! We encourage geography students of all research interests and related experience to join us. Please apply by February 1! We look forward to working with you! Apply Here. For more info about submissions and positions email: fieldnotes.mugs@gmail.com | | 2.MUGS MERCH This is it. What all geography students have been waiting for. Some of you have asked about it, and we promised that it's coming, and it's finally here. We are excited to announce that we will be ordering geography merchandise!! This year we will have crewnecks available for order in a choice of either navy, maroon, green or white, so pick your colour of choice and submit your order HERE right now! The form will be open until the end of January.  | | 3. Pints, Lines and Polygons The first Pints, Lines and Polygons of 2019... Join the MUGS exec and fellow geographers on January 24 We will meet in BH 305 (The MUGS Lounge) at 6:30 for a quick bite to eat and then leave together at 7:00 Join us! As always, first pint's on us. -(alcoholic and non-alcoholic options available)- -(Please let us know about any dietary restrictions at least 24 hours prior to the event so we can make alternate arrangements) EVENT  | | 4. Hey, What's up, Hello Maybe you've seen us around Burnside but we thought we would formally introduce you to our faces(yay!)and share our mugshots with you guys. Feel free to come say hi to us if you see us in the lounge or GIC, we don't bite and we love friends <3 Our VP Sustainability did a great job with these. Thanks Erin! Presenting: Our team of lovely, beautiful, bright, and spirited human beans | | The McGill International Review Online is now hiring for its Winter 2019 publication cycle! MIR is a student-run, bilingual journal that publishes daily articles, videos, and interviews relating to international affairs, economics, technology, and culture. Our primary focus is to give young, passionate writers from all backgrounds the platform to express their own, unique views on the world around them. You can check out our website at http://mironline.ca. The feature team is recruiting staff writers, social media reporters, and editors. We are also looking for video editors/videographers, cinematographers, and podcasters. Applicants should have strong writing and research skills, though previous formal writing experience is not required. Applicants should send a writing sample to mironline@irsam.ca, and fill out the appropriate form below. The application deadline for all positions is January 11th at 11:59pm." Editor: https://goo.gl/forms/NOfTj7l8WbVeOZ473 Writer: https://goo.gl/forms/dKfkOn6sGI0QLTQo1 Media Team (videography, photography, graphic design, etc.): https://goo.gl/forms/PI5zNNHyPuONCStb2 Social Media Editor: https://goo.gl/forms/rdOsZUecW1yYQj8U2 Social Media Reporter: https://goo.gl/forms/xOq6bkilJKT9Tc0u2 | | | IHSP Summer Internship Opportunity The McGill Institute for Health and Social Policy (IHSP) is pleased to be offering international summer internships through the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee scholarship program. Deadline for applications: February 1, 2019 The goal of this national program is to create a "dynamic community of young global leaders across the Commonwealth". Queen Elizabeth Scholars "engage with communities, learn about cultures and create projects and actions that impact the world". It is an opportunity for senior undergraduate and graduate students at McGill to undertake summer internships aimed at: exploring innovative and promising approaches to addressing key challenges to health and equity across the Commonwealth. Partner universities and organizations providing internships include: the Young Foundation, University of Durham, University of Melbourne, Monash University, the Africa Population Health Research Centre, the Centre for Public Policy at IIM Bangalore, and the Caribbean Network for Urban and Land Management. Internships will be focused primarily on the following areas: - social innovation
- community engagement
- urban planning and urbanization
- best practices in social policy related to health and equity
- primary health care for vulnerable populations (low-wage adults, refugees, recent immigrants. aboriginal peoples)
- aging and development, education, population dynamics, and reproductive health in developing countries
- aboriginal health
- hazard, risk and resilience
- water and health and well-being
- sports and physical activity for improved mental and physical well-being for vulnerable populations
The program includes: - Students from McGill doing 3-4 month internship (for-credit) between May 1st and August 31, 2019, in host organization/institution (research, policy or practice).
- Students participate in a training program at the IHSP in the fall and winter terms including sessions on: leadership, community engagement, social innovation, key issues in health and equity, cultural sensitivity, international development and research to action.
- Students receive a $6000 stipend for travel and living expenses.
- Host institutions provide mentoring, supervision and opportunities for interns to be involved in community engagement activities, in addition to their internship responsibilities.
For more information please consult our website: https://mcgill.ca/ihsp/ | | | You are cordially invited to celebrate the 26th anniversary of the Science Undergraduate Society of McGill University. Please join us on Saturday, February 2nd from 20:30 to 2:00 at Crew Collective & Café (360 St-Jacques, Montréal QC, H2Y 1P5). The evening will feature an open bar and semi-formal attire. You may purchase your tickets using the link below. Please note that space is limited, and no new tickets will be made available in the case where the event sells out. Cost of admission - $20 for students in the Faculties of Science and Arts & Science - $25 for all others This event is 18+ and open only to McGill students. Upon entry, you must present your mobile ticket along with your McGill ID card to confirm your faculty. Coat-check is available for all guests at no additional cost. Non-alcoholic and gluten-free beverages will be available. The venue is wheelchair accessible. Please email president.sus@mail.mcgill.ca with all inquiries, including those regarding ticket purchases and accessibility needs. Purchase tickets here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/scienceundergraduatesociety/225042# Interested in volunteering? Fill out this form: https://goo.gl/forms/pVCIbWanc2wQ5ePB3 | | | The SUS General Assembly (GA) will be held on Wednesday, February 6, 2019, at 7:00 PM and will take place in Leacock 232. There will be free pizza! All undergraduate students of the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Arts & Science are encouraged to take part. The GA is an excellent opportunity to learn about the work of your SUS Executives and Councillors, ask questions, bring forth your own motion, debate presented motions, and vote on changes within the Science Undergraduate Society. Motions for the GA must be submitted directly to admin.sus@mail.mcgill.ca by January 23rd at 11:59 pm. Need help writing a motion or have questions about the GA? Don't hesitate to contact the SUS Speaker, Husayn Jamal, at husayn.jamal@mail.mcgill.ca. Accessibility Information: Leacock 232 is wheelchair accessible. Vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free pizza will be available. For any accessibility needs, please contact Reem Mandil at president.sus@mail.mcgill.ca. EVENT | | | Milton-Parc: How we did it The Milton-Parc Citizen's Committee invites the public and welcomes interested McGill students to attend a special exhibition at the Canadian Centre of Architecture, which focuses on the unique history of social justice and citizen activism in the Milton-Parc community. There will be four guided tours of the exhibit offered in both French and English. These tours will conclude with a group discussion and reflection on implications for contemporary urban and social needs, and possible ways to address current issues in the community. For those interested in attending, please contact ccmp.miltonparc@gmail.com to confirm your presence. For general inquiries about these events, please contact simonekchen@gmail.com. Dates and schedule of events: 17 January: (Français) 6:45-9:00 pm at the CCA 24 January: (English) 6:45-8:00 pm at the CCA *Specially, this event will end at 8 pm to be followed by the book launch of Villages in Cities by author Josh Hawley 21 January: (Français) 6:45-8:00 pm at the CCA 28 January: (English) 6:45-8:00 pm at the CCA *transportation will not be provided, but the CCA (1920 Rue Baile) is accessible by the metro stops Guy-Concordia, Atwater and Georges-Vanier *All 4 exhibition tours offer free entry to participants, please contact us to confirm your presence, as there is limited space! | | | Innovations for a Sustainable Future January 24th, 2019 The Sustainability Research Symposium 2019 will focus on the most recent innovations and progress towards a sustainable future. We see sustainability as going beyond environmentalism to encompass issues of human rights, equitable and inclusive growth, and secure and healthy communities. We seek innovation in all its forms - technological, but also social, pedagogical, and organizational. This student-led conference has served as an interdisciplinary platform for students and researchers to share ideas and research for the last eight years. Our 9th edition of this symposium will highlight the work of researchers and innovators who are pushing the boundaries of biochemistry, urban architecture, and epidemiology, to respond to some of our planet's most pressing challenges. Join us for keynote lectures, lightning talks and posters, as well as a wine-and-cheese reception. Register to attend, or to present. Are you an undergraduate or graduate student doing a research project that is relevant to sustainability? We invite you to submit research abstracts to showcase your work at this symposium! Students across all disciplines are strongly encouraged to apply. Registration is free, but spaces are limited. Register by January 10th, and lunch is included. Register at: https://mcgillsustainabilitysymposium.wordpress.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SRSMcGill/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/mcgillsrs | | | | | Stay tuned for future updates on upcoming MUGS events and other fun stuff happening in the geography department. | | | | | |
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