The last listerv ?!

3:15:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

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Hey Geographers,

This is the last listerv of the year, how bittersweet? Hard to think summer break is right around the corner with all this snow.. We have had a great time planning events and hanging out with all you lovely humans and hope you had fun too! Looking back at this year, we have really been through a lot together. Midterm season, soupe cafe runs, watching each others stuff in the GIC for said soupe cafe runs, or lunch breaks in the lounge. We had a hell of a time with you guys at the each mugs bar night, the apartment crawl and year end party. Wishing everyone good luck with exams and future endeavours! Have an amazing summer geographers.  

Best wishes,

The 2018-2019 MUGS Exec. Team 

On the Agenda:

  1. Barbados Field Course Info Session
  2. Highlights from BEER INSIDE
  3. Wilderness First Aid Courses offered in May
1. Barbados Field Course Info Session
2. Thank you for coming to our end of year party ~ we had a blast
3. WFA Courses Offered in May

The Safety Officer from the McGill Outdoors Club is organizing a 20hr Wilderness First Aid course on campus from May 2nd-3rd! The outline for the course can be found here:
She is also organizing a 40hr Advanced Wilderness First Aid course in Montreal this May 2nd-5th (outline found here:
Email if you have any questions or wanna reserve your spot!
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