A ton of internships, upcoming events and more!

4:46:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****


Hey Everybody, a whole bunch to get through this week...here goes:

i) GIFT CARD WINNERS:Thanks to everyone who came to coffee & cookies, on Monday. The winners of the gift cards were: Beth Austerberry Anna Bock, Andrew Pollock....wooooooooohoooooo! Just a reminder that Coffee and Cookies takes place every Monday at 12:30 in the 3rd floor lounge. Also, geography librarians will be there to answer any questions you have!

ii) ATTEND THE CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE UNIVERSITY: President Clinton will host CGI U 2012 at The George Washington University from Friday, March 30th to Sunday, April 1st, 2012. CGI U is President Clinton's initiative designed to engage the next generation of leaders on college campuses around the world. Each CGI U student member makes a Commitment to Action: a specific plan of action that addresses a pressing challenge on their campus, in their community, or in a different part of the world.CGI U is proof that young people have the power to make a significant impact by confronting some of the world's most urgent challenges. I hope you have the chance to experience this event in DC. Apply by THIS COMING MONDAY here: http://www.cgiu.org/applying_to_cgiu/

iii) MEGA INTERNSHIP LIST: Here are a whole bunch of internships, which have application deadlines of January 30th! Good luck!

- UN World Food Programme: Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping Internship – Panama<https://secureweb.mcgill.ca/arts-internships/sites/mcgill.ca.arts-internships/files/unwfp_vam_panama_2012_0.pdf> The World Food Program (WFP) conducts food security analysis and assessments in the different countries where it develops activities with the objective to identify the most appropriate response to tackle food and nutrition insecurity and to geographically target these interventions. It also carries out Emergency Food Security Assessments (EFSA) to determine the status of the population affected by natural events or socio-economic shocks and their needs.Part of the activities developed by the Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (VAM) Unit of the Panama Regional Bureau (OMP) of the World Food Program (WFP) include search for and analysis of secondary data, synthesis of information on the food and nutrition security situation in the region, and the preparation of Country Profiles on Food and Nutrition Security.
See: https://secureweb.mcgill.ca/arts-internships/sites/mcgill.ca.arts-internships/files/unwfp_vam_panama_2012_0.pdf

- Kasenda Ecotourism Development Internship – Kabarole Forest, Uganda Uganda has recently made great steps in protecting its wildlife while undergoing a period of rapid economic growth. The National Parks of Uganda are now relatively well protected, and the conservation of parks is recognized as critical to the maintenance of environmental health and environmental services as well as economic returns. It is now time to turn to protecting some of the few remaining natural areas on public land. Richard Tooro (http://kabakaba.50webs.com/indexx.html) is the director of Kabarole Tours, which is dedicated to the use of ecotourism experiences to promote the conservation of natural systems and the betterment of the livelihood of the local communities in Uganda. He has been given permission to restore and promote a very small scale ecotourism resort in what was the Kasenda Forest Reserve. This is a wonderful location, which includes a crater lake, a rich bird fauna and three species of monkeys. Richard Tooro has worked in conjunction with Drs. Colin and Lauren Chapman from McGill University for over a decade.
See: https://secureweb.mcgill.ca/arts-internships/sites/mcgill.ca.arts-internships/files/kasenda_ecoturism_uganda_posting_2012_1.pdf
- Jane Jacob's Walk - Summer 2012<https://secureweb.mcgill.ca/arts-internships/sites/mcgill.ca.arts-internships/files/janeswalk_internship2012_mcgill_draft.pdf> – Toronto, Canada

Organization dedicated to getting people involved in the urban planning of their cities

Jane's Walk celebrates the ideas and legacy of urbanist Jane Jacobs by getting people out exploring their neighbourhoods and meeting their neighbours. Free walking tours held on the first weekend of May each year are led by locals who want to create a space for residents to talk about what matters to them in the places they live and work. In 2011, over 500 Jane Jacob's Walks took place in 75 cities in 15 countries worldwide.

For more information, download the pdf: Jane Jacob's Walk - Summer 2012<https://secureweb.mcgill.ca/arts-internships/sites/mcgill.ca.arts-internships/files/janeswalk_internship2012_mcgill_draft.pdf>.pdf

- Native Friendship Center Montreal - Summer 2012<https://secureweb.mcgill.ca/arts-internships/sites/mcgill.ca.arts-internships/files/nfc_montreal_2012.pdf> – Montreal, Canada

Aboriginal community development agency

The Native Friendship Centre of Montreal is a non-profit, non-sectarian, autonomous community development agency whose purpose is to promote, develop and enhance the quality of life of the urban Aboriginal population of Montreal and surrounding areas. The services provided include daily lunches, food baskets, referral services, street patrol, clothing depot, an inter-tribal youth center, drumming, cultural events, diabetes and STI awareness etc.

For more information, download the pdf: Native Friendship Center Montreal - Summer 2012<https://secureweb.mcgill.ca/arts-internships/sites/mcgill.ca.arts-internships/files/nfc_montreal_2012.pdf>.pdf

- Climate Reality Project Canada - Summer 2012<https://secureweb.mcgill.ca/arts-internships/sites/mcgill.ca.arts-internships/files/climateprojectcanada_research_2012_0.pdf> – Montreal, Canada

Canadian branch of Al Gore's climate change research and education organization

In collaboration with the David Suzuki Foundation, the Climate Reality Project Canada works to provide Canadians with the science of and solutions to climate change. This is primarily achieved through free educational slideshows delivered by Canadians from all walks of life that have been personally trained by Mr. Gore. With the information disseminated through these presentations, the Climate Reality Project Canada believes that Canadians will be better equipped to reduce their carbon footprint.

For more information, download the pdf: Climate Reality Project Canada - Summer 2012<https://secureweb.mcgill.ca/arts-internships/sites/mcgill.ca.arts-internships/files/climateprojectcanada_research_2012_0.pdf>.pdf

- Highland Green - Internship - Summer 2012<https://secureweb.mcgill.ca/arts-internships/sites/mcgill.ca.arts-internships/files/highland_green_2012.pdf> – Topsham, Maine, USA

Active adult resort community featuring the 230-acre Cathance River Nature Preserve and an environmentally-friendly golf club

Highland Green is an anti-sprawl community in Topsham, Maine which was designed to protect and preserve the area's natural resources. When fully developed Highland Green will feature 300 custom-designed homes and approximately 300 condominium homes. An integral part of the community is the Cathance River Education Alliance (CREA) which encourages and sponsors environmental, historical, and cultural appreciation and enjoyment of the Cathance River watershed, a natural gem in the midst of ongoing development. In 2006, CREA opened the Cathance River Preserve Ecology Center. The Center is an example of green building technology with its alternative sources for heating and electricity, reclaimed lumber, and passive architectural design.

For more information, download the pdf: Highland Green - Internship - Summer 2012<https://secureweb.mcgill.ca/arts-internships/sites/mcgill.ca.arts-internships/files/highland_green_2012.pdf>.pdf

iv) WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT MCGILL GEOGRAPHY?: Here's your chance to speak up! This whole semester MUGS will be working on soliciting YOUR opinions about your department at McGill. What are your thoughts on course choice? The major/minor/honours programs? Communication with Profs and TAs? Field study opportunities? Let us know at mcgillgeography@gmail.com<https://exchange.mcgill.ca/owa/UrlBlockedError.aspx>

v) STRATEGIC SUMMIT ON SUSTAINABILITY: This Friday, January 20th at 2:30 in Lev Bukhman room, Shatner Building!

vi) SWEET EVENTS/THINGS HAPPENING TO KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR: McGill Geography Clothing in early February, GeoAssassins (e-mail Alex: salexhill@gmail.com<UrlBlockedError.aspx> if you're interested!), Wine & Cheese taking place Wednesday, February 8th...and Curling with the environment department and Sugar Shack in March!

vii) PICTURE OF THE WEEK: Amazing rocks that are moved by the wind once every couple of years in Death Valley- http://i.imgur.com/iFHSR.jpg (more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racetrack_Playa<http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racetrack_Playa>)

viii) MAP OF THE WEEK: A map by Richard Florida's Creative Class "boutique advisory services firm" of the distribution of male and female singles in the different cities in the United States- http://www.creativeclass.com/_v3/whos_your_city/maps/#The_Singles_Map

Whew, have a great rest of your week!


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