Welcome Back Geographers!
*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****
I hope your summers were filled with exciting things such as challenging jobs, interesting travels, and time in the sun. As we shuffle around frantically trying to buy and sell textbooks and figure out our schedules, don't forget to read the listserv to find out about fun geography events happening every week, as well as job and volunteer opportunities!
Oh, and Shana Tova to all the Jews in Geography!
Geography Orientation
TOMORROW Friday September 6th, from 2:00-3:00 pm, come to Burnside 426 to meet your professors, your news MUGS exec, and have a cool Geocaching activity with a MYSTERY PRIZE FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS. See you there! (My group will win)
A lot of you have been getting quite excited to get your own locker in Burnside hall! To obtain your locker, come with your lock to the MUGS lounge (BH 305) any day next week from 11:30-13:00 and select the locker number of your choice.
Lunch with a Geography Professor
Next Wednesday, September 12th, come to the MUGS lounge to have lunch with Professor Moser and Professor Manaugh! Come with your own lunch and chat with the new young 'n' hip professors and see what they have to say about life and their dirty secrets…I mean their research.
You may find out about some research assistant opportunity this way!
Barbados Field Course
Sign-up has opened for the Barbados Field Course over Reading Week! Contact Professor Tom Meredith tom.meredith@mcgill.ca for more information! Also please see the attached word document.
Instagram Photography Competition
How cool! The University of Manchester is holding a photography contest and anyone with an Instagram account can enter. Click this link for more info! http://www.cities.manchester.ac.uk/events/city_futures_competition/
Geospectives is starting up again this fall! Geospectives is the lecture series hosted by the Department of Geography, where researchers get a chance to share and discuss their research. It will be taking place in room 426, 4-5:30 on Mondays. The first lecturers will be Profs. Kevin Manaugh, Sarah Moser, and Brian Robinson who are all new to the department and will be introducing their research in short 15 minute presentations.
Social Science Research Symposium (SSRS)
Interested in academic research? Social Science Research Symposium (SSRS) is a new initiative sponsored by AUS, and will be taking place this fall. The goal of the SSRS is to foster and encourage the growth of a community of undergraduate students interested in social science research. We provide undergraduate students with the opportunity to present and discuss their research, as well as the research of their peers.
Location: Arts Room 160
Time: 5pm-6:30pm on the dates listed below.
Admission is free and complimentary refreshments will be provided.
**Our facebook page, www.facebook.com/socialscienceresearchsymposium, has a more detailed explanation of each seminar!**Location: Arts Room 160
September 13: Economy & Finance; Professor Sarah Stroud of the philosophy department will provide an introduction to this seminar.
September 20: Governance & Conflict
September 27: Quality of Life
October 4: Sexuality & Race
Please email ssrs.exec@gmail.com to ask questions about the symposium or to join our listserv.
Cool Thing of the Week
This is just something fun and low key to kick off the first listserv of the year. Happy cat napping, people!
All the best!
Dept. of Geography
McGill University
Burnside Hall, Rm 305
805 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, QC
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