MUGS Positions and Mentor Opportunities!

2:08:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

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  1. Lockers
  2. MUGS Positions
  3. Geography Undergrad Mentorship Program
  4. Job Opportunity for Web Developer

Hey geographers! It's the last day of add/drop period, a stressful time when students realize that they don't really like any of their classes. It's also B.B. King's birthday today! Be sure to listen to some sweet blues music while finalizing your schedule.

Thanks to everyone who came out last week to the first Geo Bites meeting! The profs were so thrilled to meet such eager students.


Lockers seem to be a touchy subject these days! Many reserved lockers have been unintentionally cut. For this, we apologize on behalf of all of MUGS. On another note, lockers are still available for rent! Please come to Burnside 305 between 11:30 and 1:00 pm all this week to get your own locker.

MUGS Positions

If you're looking to get more involved in MUGS, there are several OPEN POSITIONS that need filling by people like you! The position descriptions are as follows:

Sustainability Officer: The Sustainability Officer is responsible for holding MUGS environmentally responsible during all events, finding the most environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternatives, as well as promoting and encouraging MUGS members to engage in these practices. The Sustainability Officer will be in charge of making sure the lounge remains clean, either by doing it themselves or arranging a rotating schedule of cleaning within the MUGS Executive. At the beginning of the year, the Sustainability Officer will propose one sustainability project.

U1 rep: Represents the U1 class to MUGS. Assist MUGS in the planning and executing of events.

Field Notes Editor in Chief: The Editor in Chief will be in charge of assembling an editorial team in the Fall, promoting the journal, maintaining the budget, coordinating events, and liaising with journal editors, MUGS, the Department of Geography, and other organizations, as well as fulfilling other general MUGS responsibilities

We are also looking for Field Notes Editors!
To apply for Editor-in-chief please send in a short paragraph detailing why you want to be editor in chief of field notes and a CV. For all other editor positions just let MUGS know about your interest and we'll pass it onto the editors in chief, who will assemble a team.

To apply for U1 or Sustainability Officer positions, please fill out a nomination form and submit it to the MUGS lounge by Wednesday, September 18th! The forms are attached to the listserv and they can also be picked up at the lounge. Sustainability Officers must also submit a paragraph-long sustainability project proposal that they would like to implement during the school year!

Geography Undergrad Mentorship Program

The McGill Geography Graduate-Undergraduate Mentoring Program is starting up again for Fall 2013!

Are you curious (or confused!) about life after undergrad? Do you have questions about grad school and other post undergrad options?

If so, consider applying for a mentor! The student-initiated McGill Geography Graduate-Undergraduate Mentoring Program can help you prepare and plan for the future. We pair Geography undergrads, like you, with graduate student mentors who have recently navigated the post-undergrad world themselves, and have a wealth of information and experience to share.

For more information and to apply to the program, please visit our webpage, Applications are due by Sept 30th to

Job Opportunity for Web Developer

Students with a basic knowledge of computer handling, statistics, and GIS are invited to apply to this job! Please refer to the job ad in the link below:

Cool thing of the week:

Here is a map of unintended pregnancies in the US. Thanks to Julie MacKinnon for the submission!


All the best everyone!

Dept. of Geography
McGill University
Burnside Hall, Rm 305
805 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, QC
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