Announcing Geo Assassins, Hire a Prof, and More

9:59:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

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  2. Geography toques
  3. Field notes call for submission
  4. Mentor Program
  5. Meet a new professor!
  6. Geography vs Environment Curling Game
  7. Fessenden Prizes for Science Innovation
  8. SSMU Sustainability Case Competition
  9. Solar ship Campaign

 Hey there Geographers! Boy is it ever cold! There are tons of cool (haha) events to look forward to, so read on. 


GEOGRAPHY ASSASSINS IS BACK! If you want to participate in the sneakiest, most deadly game of the semester, email . Winners get:

  •         A Fabulous TBA prize
  •          Glory
  •          A party thrown in their honour  

Geography toques

Are still available.

Field notes call for submission

Field notes undergraduate geography journal is taking paper submissions until February 5th. Submit your original research paper to Attached is their beautiful promotional poster for more information.

Mentor Program

MUGS is proud to announce the launch of its new Grad-Undergrad Mentor program! If you're not sure what to do after you graduate, whether you want to go to grad school or not, meeting with a grad buddy will surely help you in your decisions. All mentor partners get a $10 gift card to Java U to get coffee on their first meeting! See attached signup form to sign up.

Meet a new professor!

The geography department is hiring a new professor in Urban Sustainability. Come to BURN426 on Thursday at 11:30 to hear a new potential professor talk each week, or come to the lounge at 4:00pm the same day for a friendly Q&A period.

Geography vs Environment Curling Game – Feb 9th

MESS has challenged us to a curling game on Saturday, February 9th! What better way to decide the superior department. The cost of the game is $15, which includes pizza and curling equipment for the day. Sign up by emailing and see the attached picture for more info!

Fessenden Prizes for Science Innovation

Announcing the 2013 competition for the Fessenden Prizes for Science Innovation! Three cash prizes, for $2500, $3500, and $4000 will be awarded to an undergrad student, grad student, and professor respectively. Submit why YOU think you deserve the prize by Febrary 7th to For more information, see the attached poster or go to the website:

SSMU Sustainability Case Competition
Description: The City of Montreal is planning on upcoming repairs to underground infrastructure of McTavish street, with McGill University planning an entire above-ground redesign to take place immediately afterwards. This year's SSMU Sustainability Case Competition challenges you to let us know how you'd like to redesign McTavish Street. Whether your vision includes adding more greenery or constructing an outdoor patio, there's no better way to showcase your ideas! Under the guidance of industry professionals you will compete against other teams to create a functional, sustainable, and innovative design, be exposed to numerous networking opportunities, and win some awesome prizes!


To apply: All undergraduates from any faculty are welcome to enter. Apply by January 27 at and check out the SSMU Sustainability Case Competition Facebook page for more information.


Solar ship Campaign

Solar ship is a Toronto-based company that is building a hybrid solar-powered aircraft to service remote areas. The solarship can take off and land in areas the size of a soccer field, without the need for fuel. If you want to help promote the project or for more information, here is the Facebook page and their Website.

Cool Thing of the Week

The National Geographic Photo Contest 2011 is still cool, even almost two years later. Check it out! 

Also attached is a map made by our own Geographers Dan and Malcolm. It's very cool.

Peace and love and stay warm,


Dept. of Geography
McGill University
Burnside Hall, Rm 305
805 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, QC
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