|MUGS| Online Strike Vote, GIS Research Assitant Position
*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****
Hey everybody, last e-mail for this week, I promise!
-First of all, last night's GA unfortunately failed to meet quorum...this means that it has now moved online! So, anytime between now and Saturday at 1pm you can e-mail your vote on the motion to renew the strike (attached to this e-mail) to geographyelections@gmail.com<mailto:geographyelections@gmail.com>. Note that a "YES" vote is a vote in support of the motion, to CONTINUE the strike, while a "NO" vote is a vote against the motion, to END the strike. An "ABSTENTION" indicates that you are unsure of how you feel.
Also, remember that voting for co-presidents and nominations for prof of the year started this morning and last until tomorrow, so in your e-mail (to the same address) you may, in addition to your vote on the motion, also include 2 votes for co-president of MUGS and 1 nomination for prof of the year. ALL E-MAILS MUST BE FROM YOUR MCGILL E-MAIL ADDRESS AND MUST INCLUDE: YOUR FACULTY, PROGRAM, and STUDENT NUMBER.
- Lastly, the Indian Ocean World Centre, based out of McGill, is looking to hire a student familiar with GIS techniques to help them out. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, check out the job description that's attached to this e-mail!
Have a great weekend!
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