Special MUGS announcement

1:03:00 am McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****

Special MUGS announcement:

Because you have worked so far, we want to give you a little incentive for this last day of classes: PIZZA!
Starting at 11:45 am in the MUGS lounge, we will have some fresh and delicious pizza waiting for you at no cost at all along with some coffee or tea so you can kick the ground running. Keep an eye out for any changes through the FB page.



Tuesday is the last day of classes and the last day of elections. Exercise your right to vote and make sure your voice is heard! We will be taking votes in the MUGS lounge starting at 11:30 am but if you can't make it, please email your ballot (attached here) to mugs.elections.2015@gmail.com. All information will be kept confidential.
All current geography undergraduate students (majors, minors, honours) are eligible to vote.


Best of luck for your exams and keep an eye out for the last official listserv.


See you Tuesday! Keep going forward!

Phil Perez Aranguren

VP Communications

Dept. of Geography
McGill University
Burnside Hall, Rm 305
805 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, QC
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