|MUGS| Sugar Shack, MUGS Elections, and much more!

10:25:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****


Hi all,

My apologies about the lack of a listserve last week! Plenty of news/events to get through though:

i) SUGAR SHACK: The syrupy-swine fun starts at 6 this Friday night, but you still have two days to get your tickets! They'll be on sale for $15 in the MUGS lounge Tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday from 11:30-3, so start starving yourself in preparation NOW. Vegetarians are welcome too!

ii) MUGS ELECTIONS: Want to have a picture of yourself hanging in the MUGS lounge for the year? Better yet, want to help make our little faculty the envy of the SSMUniverse next year? Sure you do! It's election season and all positions are up for grabs! These include:
-AUS Representative
-SUS Representative
-Year Representatives (U1, U2, U3)
-Sustainability Representatives

So, if this seems like something you want to do, e-mail us at mcgillgeography@gmail.com with "candidature for _______ (put in what you want to run for)" as the subject, and include a short little blurb on why you want to run. You'll then get a nomination form which must be turned in by next Friday, March 23rd. Voting will take place the last week of March...more info to come!

iii) GRAD STUDENTS' HABS TICKETS RAFFLE: Qui n'aime pas Les Canadiens? Okay, probably lots of you...but lots of you love hockey and all of you certainly love winning things! Buy your tickets for the Geography Graduate Students' Society raffle tomorrow (Thursday...sorry about the late notice) for a chance to win tickets to Saturday's Canadiens vs. Islanders game. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased from room 316.

iv) HELP WITH A GEOG 506 STUDY: Peck Sangiambut, a student in Geography 506 needs volunteers for a project. All it involves is coming next Thursday or Friday to Burnside 511 to perform a quick 15-20 minute test plus fill in a questionnaire. Two different GIS applications are being tested for their relative usability.

Compensation: doughnuts + a small educational talk from me on Human-Computer Interaction and GIS interfacing.
How to sign up:
email me at - suthee.sangiambut@mail.mcgill.ca
indicating in the header '506 project'.

v) GEOSPECTIVES TALK: Arturo Sanchez-Azofeifa, the director of the Centre for Earth Observation Sciences at the University of Alberta will be visiting us and giving a talk entitled "Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring: Challenges and Opportunities" on Wednesday, March 21st at 3 pm in Burnside 426!

vi) PRUITT-IGOE FILM SCREENING AT CONCORDIA: For all the Urban Systems folks, this Monday, the 19th, in room H-110 of Concordia's Hall building Cinema Politica will be screening "The Pruitt-Igoe Myth", a film about ill-fated housing projects in St. Louis. Movie starts at 7 and bring your own popcorn! More info aqui: http://www.cinemapolitica.org/screening/concordia/pruitt-igoe-myth-urban-history

vii) PROF OF THE YEAR: We're blessed to have so many great teachers in the faculty, unfortunately we could only afford one "Prof of the Year" mug. Send in your nominations to mcgillgeography@gmail.com! More info next week...

viii) PHOTO CONTEST: The theme's forces of nature and you only have until the end of the month to enter...give us your best shot(s)!

ix) PIC OF THE WEEK: If I asked you what Wyoming looked like, what would you say? Here's the real answer: http://www.flickr.com/photos/cavaroc/5501684988/lightbox/ , (taken by one Mike Cavaroc).

x) MAP OF THE WEEK: Another interesting sports map, this time in honour of March Madness, every a state by state depiction of where every tournament teams' players come from! http://www.indystar.com/interactive/article/20120313/MULTIMEDIA/120313038/NCAA-Tournament-2012-Interactive-map-where-top-players-come-from

That's all for now, just a preliminary heads up that a special message may be sent out early next week regarding the first ever MUGS General Assembly, so keep your antennas up and eyes peeled.

All the best,


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