|MUGS| Special Edition Listserve: Geography General Assembly and Elections

12:27:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****


Hey Everybody,

I hope all those who went to Sugar Shack had a blast, and that you're all enjoying this weather as you walk from class to the library and back. This listserve's going out today because of the time-sensitive nature of what it covers. There's a lot going on both in our little department and in the province in general that concerns students, so involve and educate yourself and make your voice heard! Your opinion counts!

i) Special General Assembly: Tomorrow Night at 6, in Burnside 426! For the first time ever, we'll be having our own General Assembly, a collective discussion of issues relevant to us as a department. The assembly will be moderated/facilitated by our faculty reps Matthew and Malcolm, and quorum for it has been set at 40 students, and anyone who is enrolled as either a Geography minor or major is welcome to attend and participate. One of the issues being discussed will be whether to encourage engagement in a one-day boycott of classes this coming Thursday, March 22nd, a date chosen because it is the Provincial "Day of Action" for students protesting tuition hikes. If you have any other motion you'd like to submit for discussion, come by the special consultative meeting this evening at 5:30 in the MUGS lounge! We apologize for the late notice, and we hope you understand if this seems rushed. If other motions are put forward, another e-mail will be sent out tonight detailing them.

ii) MUGS Elections: Mr. Speakers, I'd like to cede my time to Co-Prez Alex Hill and let her take the floor for this one-

Hello Geographers!

GUESS WHAT?? There is less than one full month of school less... some of you will be finished by this time next month (lucky)!

So now is the time for ELECTIONS! Are you interested on being on MUGS next year, the best student executive around? Any and all positions are available, and we want YOU to apply. The reason geography is so awesome is because of the people who are involved in the community, and what better way to further that involvement and bring some of your own ideas and enthusiasm to the table than by joining our executive?

Positions available include:
--President (or two Co-Presidents)
--VP Finance
--VP Communications
--AUS Rep
--SUS Rep
--U2 Rep(s)
--U3 Rep(s)

U1 and Sustainability Reps are elected in September of the new school year, so if those positions interest you, then stay tuned in the early new (school) year!

Want to know a little more about the positions? Included here are some brief overviews of what is expected, but we will also be sending out some blurbs from current students holding the position so you get an idea of some day-to-day perspectives!

1) President
Responsible for coordinating the activities of the council as a whole, setting the agenda for weekly meetings, representing the undergraduates to the faculty meetings of the Department of Geography (held twice a semester), and communicating with other departmental student society presidents at AUS and SUS interdepartmental planning sessions.

2) VP Communications
Responsible for maintaining the website, sending out the listserv following weekly meetings, and facilitating event promotion and departmental communications.

3) VP Finance
Responsible for MUGS accounting, the writing of checks (cosigned by the President), managing the budget (submitted to AUS and SUS), depositing of revenues in the society's RBC account, the reimbursement of council members for MUGS-related expenses, and helping organize fundraisers.

4) AUS Representative
Represents MUGS to the Arts Undergraduate Society meetings, and relays information back to the council. Heads up interdepartmental communication and coordination efforts with other Arts departments.

5) SUS Representative
Represents MUGS to the Science Undergraduate Society meetings, and relays information back to the council. Heads up interdepartmental communication and coordination efforts with other Science departments.

5) U2 Representative
Represents the U2 class to MUGS. Sits on the Undergraduate Affairs Committee to advise departmental changes to the various Geography curricula.

6) U3 Representative
Represents the U3 class to MUGS. Sits on the Undergraduate Affairs Committee to advise departmental changes to the various Geography curricula.


You may begin collecting NOMINATIONS at any time. This does NOT mean you are campaigning--you are simply asking students to fill out your nomination form. of course, feel free to brag about your self a little to convince people to sign, but only if it's true ;) FORMS ARE DUE Friday, March 23rd by 5pm. There will be a folder on the Blue locker in Burnside Hall 305 for drop off.

CANDIDATES will be announced via listserv and Facebook the weekend of MARCH 24-5.

CAMPAIGNING will begin MONDAY, MARCH 26th at 9 AM and continue until WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28th at 6 PM. You may use posters, talk to people in person, or create Facebook events. NO CAMPAIGNING MAY BE DONE BEFORE OR AFTER THE PRESCRIBED DATES. This means all events must be cancelled, posters removed, facebook posts taken down, etc.

VOTING will run from THURSDAY, MARCH 29th at 9 AM until SUNDAY, MARCH 31st at 6 PM. Votes must be emailed to geographyelections@gmail.com<mailto:geographyelections@gmail.com>, one vote per student, please send the vote from a McGill Email address and include your student number. This address will be made available via the listserv and the FB group on Wednesday evening. Any votes sent before or after the designated times will NOT be counted.

WINNERS will be announced on MONDAY, APRIL 2nd.

If you have any questions about nominations, positions, campaigning, voting, WHATEVER, please email geographyelections@gmail.com<mailto:geographyelections@gmail.com>.

Good luck to everyone!!!!!!!!
MUGS Co-President 2011/2012
McGill Geography Department

Geographically yours,



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