(MUGS) Geospectives| GIS teacher

1:11:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****

Hello Geographers!
This one's short- check it out:

i) GEOSPECTIVES TOMORROW (Thurs 24 Nov, 3pm, rm 306): Despite the somewhat dry title (Participatory DIY Mapping as Tactical Intervention in Contested Spaces), this is going to be a fabulous talk – Prof. Sawhney from the New School for Public Engagement, New York, works with local communities and contested spaces/struggles (Gaza, refugee camps, Occupy New York), using creative cool methods of citizen mapping, video, storytelling to support civic agency. He's won a ton of awards, and is going to be a great speaker! Don't miss it!

ii) GIS HELP: Professor Forest has received a request for a student GIS teacher (for open source QGIS package), check it out:
I work as an information manager during humanitarian emergencies (currently for UNICEF and Save the Children). This summer when war broke out in Cote d'Ivoire I was deployed there to try and help coordinate the education sector's response. One major resource I noticed that was lacking during the response was that of maps. I did try contacting the 'map experts' in the field but they either did not have the time or the personnel to meet the education sector's needs. Since arriving home here in Montreal, I have set out trying to learn some basic GIS and mapping skills so that I might be better prepared for the next crisis.
I am writing to inquire if you or one of your colleagues might have a student or two gifted in GIS mapping that might be willing to walk me through some of the basics. I have downloaded the open sourced QGIS (funding limitations won't allow for arcGIS at the moment) and have been working through the user's manual, but it would be infinitely helpful if I could have someone to pose my questions to.
Many thanks in advance for your help.
I will be working specifically for the Education Cluster (run jointly by UNICEF and Save the Children) which has an explanatory page hosted on a UN OCHA webiste http://oneresponse.info/GLOBALCLUSTERS/EDUCATION/Pages/default.aspx
Best wishes,
Landon Newby
If you are interested, please contact him directly (Landon Newby <lsnewby@gmail.com>).



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