(MUGS) MUGS Call For Applications

9:48:00 am McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****

Hello Geographers!

i) To all those interested the U1 rep, Sustainability rep and VP Finance, we need all applications handed into the box in the MUGS lounge by the end of Monday September 15th. Those who have handed in their papers will be contacted to attend the end of the MUGS meeting on Tuesday the 16th at aprox 4:45.

ii) Also, to all those interested in the U1 rep position, the MUGS constitution requires that you provide a short write up about yourself and why you want the position (email to mcgillgeography@gmai.com), less the 250 words is fine. U1 is appointed by the exec.

iii) For the other positions, we will try to reach a consensus when you attend the meeting (if people are committed to MUGS we are not averse to doubling up certain U-rep positions), if multiple people still want the same position, an election will follow.

Cheers and thanks for you interest in MUGS,
Korbin daSilva Co-President M.U.G.S.
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