(MUGS) SSMU Referendum

1:58:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****

Hello again Geographers!

I apologize for swamping you with emails today, but this one is important! Thursday is the deadline for the SSMU Referendum. This referendum is full issues pertinent to your future on the McGill campus. The best way for you to take part as a student is to VOTE!

The Fall Electoral Period runs from November 6th to November 12th. Have a say on referendum that affect you! This fall vote on real issues that have a real impact on life at McGill such as the Sustainable Projects Fund, Ambassador fee and MLIC Fee Renewal. First Year Students can also votes for Candidates for the First Year Committee of Council, the voice of first year students at McGill. Students can vote online at anytime during the Electoral Period.

please take the time to vote online @ www.vote.electionsmcgill.ca

Thank you for your time attention.

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