MUGS Listserv 11/5

2:54:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

Hey geographers! Here's the agenda this week: 

  1. Fieldnotes Editor
  2. The Open Mapping Group of McGill (OMG McGill) 
  3. Global Leader Experience Program 
  4. GIC Workshops

Fieldnotes Editor
The undergraduate geography journal, Fieldnotes, needs an editor ASAP! If you have experience with the journal, or are otherwise qualified, please email


The Open Mapping Group of McGill (OMG McGill) 
OMGMcGill is a ~*brand new group*~ on campus calling all students, profs, and staff interested in open mapping for humanitarian purposes! (Open mapping is mapmaking online using freely-accessible data).

They are launching on November 15th (Aka GIS Day), and their first mapathon will be on November 17 with free pizza! Join them in the GIC for both events- whether you're a beginner or experienced mapper, a student or a faculty/staff member. Just bring your laptop! 


Global Leader Experience Program 
November 14th - 17th
This four-day programme is a unique opportunity to develop your leadership skills and Cultural Intelligence (the ability to cross divides and thrive in multiple cultures). Participants are given the opportunity to meet and network with leaders from the private, public, and non-profit sectors in Montréal. This event is free, but you have to apply. The theme for this year is "How do smart cities ensure they are inclusive?", you can learn more here

Every Friday until Christmas 

There will be 10 workshops starting this Friday in the GIC on topics ranging from ArcGIS, QGIS, R, Endnote and finding data. All workshops start at 2:30 on Fridays and are FREE only for Geography students, but you have to register beforehand here.


Monday Meme

Charlotte Zaininger 
VP Communications 
McGill Undergraduate Society 
Copyright © 2017 McGill Undergraduate Geography Society, All rights reserved.

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McGill Undergraduate Geography Society
Room 305
845 Rue Sherbrooke O
Montreal, Qc H3A 0G4

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