Fwd: MUGS Weekly Listserv

1:21:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

Hello Geographers!

Historic snow levels, MUGS elections, Field notes, read all about it! *except the snow, you can experience that outside...

  1. MUGS Elections!
  2. Fieldnotes Journal Launch Party!!
  3. McGill Tribune Journalism & Media Conference
  4. Mildy Interesting Map of the Week
  5. Cool Thing of the Week

1. MUGS Elections!

More info on elections!! If you are interested in running for any of our MUGS positions for next school year, please download the form and follow the instructions on it! ...Or follow these clif notes:
  1. Write a short personal statement about your qualifications and why you'd make the best VP ___. for MUGS.
  2.  Get 10 valid geographers (majors or minors) to endorse you / sign your printed nomination form.
  3. Submit the nomination form to the submission box (London tube map one) in the MUGS lounge, and email us your blurb along with a photo of yourself (optional for your campaign) to mcgillgeography@gmail.com by the 28th of March.
Voting periods will then be from the 4th - 7th of April, which is when we'll tally up the votes and announce our 2017-2018 MUGS execs!

And there you have it, it's as easy as 1,2,3! 
This year in the spirit of more equitable voting, we'll also be implementing digital voting through myInvolvement, so no more questionable paper ballots in the G.I.C! What a digital age we live in...

2. Field Notes Journal Launch Party!!!

It's that exciting time of year where we get to see YOUR research in our very own Geography Field notes (almost brings a tear to my eye :') ). 

In addition to supporting your fellow geog cohort or basking in the glory of your own submitted paper, there will also be Indian food!!
(*Important to mention this implies more variety than Samosas for you foodies out there*)

Be sure to check it out, and look at the facebook event for more info! Though below are the where and whens of this event:
  • Where: BURN 308
  • When: March 31st 4:30-6pm (following the honours poster presentation.

3. McGill Tribune Journalism & Media Conference

The McGill Tribune is pleased to announce its third annual Journalism and Media Conference! Join us for this free 3-day event from March 21-23 for talks, panels, and interactive workshops with professionals from the world of journalism, media, and communications. The Tribune's conference provides students with a unique opportunity to learn about these fields from speakers who have first-hand experience. Free food will be provided at every event!

Several speakers in attendance this year include:
-Scaachi Koul (Buzzfeed)
-Devin Slater (The Globe & Mail)
-Alex Johnston (CBC/Radio-Canada)
-Ed Greenspon (Public Policy Forum)
-Andrew Potter (McGill Institute for the Study of Canada)"

Check out the facebook event for more info!

4. Mildly Interesting Map of the Week

Here's a map showing chicken consumption per person in kilograms. That is all.

5. Cool Thing of the Week

With International Women's day being a week(ish) ago, thought I would share this interesting article highlighting some of the important contributions to cartography and GIS by women in recent times! So give it a read over. Give it a read by clicking on the image below! ...or here!

And there you have it, 

Big week for MUGS coming up, so be sure to run for a position if you're interested/encourage a friend who you think would fit the bill, and be sure to check out the fieldnotes launch party!! 
Happy sledding/St.Paddying/studying this weekend folks :)

Noé Schultz
VP Communications
McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 

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Dept. of Geography
McGill University
Burnside Hall, Rm 305
805 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, QC