Election Results!

1:27:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

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MUGS Election Results
Following a 21% Undergraduate Geography student turn-out, here are your voting and election resutls:
Co-Presidents: Sam Pivnick and Anna Luz
AUS Rep: Alyssa Krantzberg
Prof of the Year: Thom Meredith
Photo of the Year: Photo #12 by Jennifer Walls
Introducing your MUGS Exec 2013-2014
Co-Presidents: Sam Pivnick and Anna Luz
VP Finance: Sierra Clark
VP Communication: Julia Schertzer
AUS Rep: Alyssa Krantzberg
SUS Rep: Caitlin Watt
U3 Reps: James Glasspool and Andrew Pollock
U2 Rep: Johanna Brenner
U1 Rep(s): TBD - September
Sustainability Officer(s): TBD - September
Field Notes Editor-in-Chief Position
We're still looking for an Editor-in-Chief for the Geography Undergraduate Journal 'Field Notes'!  This is a great way to get involved with MUGS, get to know the department and grad students, learn more about the journal and editing process, gain leadership experience AND it looks great on a resume!  Send us an email at mcgillgeography@gmail.com if you're interested or have any questions!

Congratulations to all the candidates!
Dept. of Geography
McGill University
Burnside Hall, Rm 305
805 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, QC
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