Sugar shack and MUGS positions up for grabs!

11:49:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

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  1. Assassins
  2. Sugar Shack
  3. Field Notes Wine and Cheese
  4. MUGS Positions
  5. Last Panama Field Study Info Session
  6. Montreal Green Business Gala
  7. New Post-Graduate Programs Offered at McGill
  8. Green Corps - The Field School for Environmental Organizing

Hey there geographers! Get pumped for Sugar Shack this week, I know I am! As we near the end of the semester, we get loaded with a lot of work but there are also some fun events such as the wine and cheese launch party of the second edition of Field Notes. Have a good week!


Assassins is still going on, people! It's getting cutthroat out there.

Sugar Shack

We're still selling tickets for Sugar Shack! Come buy one at the lounge for $15. We'll be going this Thursday at 5pm from Roddick gates. See you there!

Field Notes Wine and Cheese

This Semester's Field Notes Journal will be launched next week, and with that comes a wine and cheese! Come to Burnside rm 426 on Thursday, March 28th to enjoy your peers' essays and some delicious free food.

MUGS Positions

Apply for a position on MUGS council for next year! You can request an application form at and send it in, elections are around the corner.

Last Panama Field Study Info Session

Ever wanted your classroom to be a tropical rain forest? Interested in environmental issues, mastering Spanish, and dancing salsa on the side? The Panama Field Study Semester might be right for you! PFSS is an interdisciplinary field study open to all departments that takes place during the Winter term. We are coming to Macdonald Campus, so come find out what it's all about at the following information session (other upcoming dates downtown here: Due date of applications for Winter 2014 is March 29, 2013.

Date : Thursday March 21th, 2013

Time: 5:45pm

Place: Burnside 426

Montreal Green Business Gala

Want to meet some of Montreal's most innovative green business leaders? Want to network with business professionals, and like-minded students and professors?

For only $5 for students and $15 for non-students you can attend the Montreal Green Business Awards Gala which will take place in the SSMU ballroom on Thursday, March 21st from 2-5pm. Food and and refreshments will also be served. Tickets can be purchased at the door or online at:

New Post-Graduate Programs Offered at McGill

A 1-year Master of Science in Integrated Water Resources Management (Non-Thesis):

Providing a unique opportunity to study the biophysical, environmental, legal, institutional, and socio-economic aspects of water use and management in an integrated context. This program promotes a holistic perspective and awareness of water resources management issues through a wide range of courses offered by collaborating departments and faculties at McGill University. Candidates may have undergraduate degrees in a wide variety of related areas, including: geography, international development studies, sociology, anthropology, mathematics, environmental studies, biology, natural resources management, and engineering amongst others.

An 8-week online certification program in Integrated and Adaptive Water Resources Planning, Management & Governance:

Taking a holistic look at water resources management with a specific focus on integrated water resources management (IWRM) and adaptive water management. It is designed specifically for professionals who want to upgrade their skills in water management concepts and practices, and aims to provide tools and training for watershed planning techniques, adaptive management strategies, capacity building approaches, water governance, and water risk assessment to strengthen IWRM capacities globally. Participants with diverse disciplinary backgrounds (e.g., geography, engineering, social sciences, business, etc.) are welcomed and encouraged to apply.

If you have any interest or questions regarding this program or the online certification course, please contact:

Prof. Jan Adamowski - Director IWRM Program (

Dr. Wietske Medema - Associate Director IWRM program (

Green Corps - The Field School for Environmental Organizing

Spring Applications due by Saturday, March 23

In Green Corps' year-long paid program, you'll get intensive training in the skills you'll need to make a difference in the world. You'll get hands-on experience fighting to solve urgent environmental problems — global warming, deforestation, water pollution and many others — with groups such as Sierra Club and Food and Water Watch. And, when you graduate from Green Corps, we'll help you find a career with one of the nation's leading environmental and social change groups.  Click here to find out more.

Green Corps Organizers earn a salary of $23,750. Organizers also have a chance to opt into our health care program with a pre-tax monthly salary deferral. We offer paid sick days and holidays, two weeks paid vacation and a student loan repayment program for those who qualify. There are spots for 35 college graduates for  2013-2014.

Click here to submit your application to join the 2013-2014 class of Green Corps' Field School for Environmental Organizing. Green Corps' yearlong program begins in August 2013 with Introductory Classroom Training in Boston, and continues with field placements in multiple locations across the country.  Candidates must be willing to relocate. For more information, contact Will Vanderbilt at or 650.892.3066

Cool Thing of the Week

Here's a photo study by an Italian photographer of kids around the world with their favourite toys. I think it has a nice human geography perspective.


Dept. of Geography
McGill University
Burnside Hall, Rm 305
805 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, QC
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