Happy Monday Everyone!
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- Photo of the year contest submissions
- Field Notes Submissions
- Geospectives Feb 6
- Panama Field Study Semester Information Session
- TNC Presents Hosanna
- The Role of Media in the Arab Spring and its Aftermath: The Special Case of Egypt
- 2013 McGill Sustainability Research Symposium: Adapting to a Changing Climate
Hey geographers! It's a beautiful Monday and the game of Assassins is well under way. Here's a shout-out to my friend Jared Simpson whose birthday is today! He works in the GIC, so you probably know him if you spend any time there. Valentine's day is also next week, which gives a lot of people a great excuse to lie around feeling sorry for themselves
Photo of the year contest submissions
Photo of the year contest is still under way! Submit your photo of the year to mcgillgeography@gmail.com until March 8th.
Field Notes Submissions
Field Notes is taking submissions until tomorrow, February 5th at 5pm! If you have an original research paper, don't delay!
Geospectives Feb 6
This Thursday February 6, 2013 at 4:00PM Prof. Patricia Martin will be speaking for GeoSpectives! Her topic is Oaxaca 1977/Oaxaca 2006: Excavating lineages of political violence in Mexico. Come to Burnside 426.
Panama Field Study Semester Information Session
Ever wanted your classroom to be a tropical rain forest? Interested in environmental issues, mastering Spanish, and dancing salsa on the side? The Panama Field Study Semester might be right for you! PFSS is an interdisciplinary field study open to all departments that takes place during the Winter term. Come find out what it's all about at the following information session (or check out other upcoming dates here: www.mcgill.ca/pfss). Due date of applications for Winter 2014 is March 29, 2013.
PFSS Information SessionDate : Wednesday February 13, 2013
Time: 5:30pm
Place: Burnside Hall, Room 426
TNC Presents Hosanna
Hosanna is a drag queen, unsure about her queerness, her place in the demi-monde of Montreal, and the roles she must play with her husband Cuirette. Hosanna's story is that of an individual in a constant state of self-fashioning in an attempt to land on the naked truth of who she "really" is. But it's a love story too, of two queers who seem to have the immense power to inspire change in each other.
DATES: Feb 6-9 and 13-16 at 8pm at TNC TheatreCOST: $6 students/seniors; $10 general
RESERVATIONS: tnc.foh@gmail.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/events/327750667329801/?fref=ts
FILM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEvBSfqXd6A&feature=youtu.be
The Role of Media in the Arab Spring and its Aftermath: The Special Case of Egypt
The Role of Media in the Arab Spring and its Aftermath: The Special Case of Egypt brings together three specialists in the field of media in the Arab World to assess these pressing questions: Zeynep Tufekci considers "The New Media Ecology and Dynamics of Power: Lessons from Egypt and Beyond"; Sahar Khamis examines "Youth and Women's Leadership, Cyberactivism, and the Arab Spring: Prospects for Political and Social Transformation in Contemporary Egypt"; and Marc Lynch discusses "Social Media and the Arab Uprising."
Free and open to the public, the conference will be held on Wednesday, February 6, 2013 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Leacock 232(McGill University, 855 Sherbrooke Street West).
For more information, please visit media.mcgill.ca
2013 McGill Sustainability Research Symposium: Adapting to a Changing Climate
On March 14th at Thomson House there will be the Annual McGill Sustainability Research Symposium (MSRS), "Adapting to a Changing Climate".
The MSRS will feature guest speakers, a poster session, presentations of student research, and an interdisciplinary "world-cafe" style discussion. We will be joined by Dr. David W. Wolfe, professor of Plant and Soil Ecology in the Department of Horticulture at Cornell and leading authority on climate change impacts on natural ecosystems and food security, and Dr. Monica Mulrennan, Associate Professor of Planning and Environment at Concordia University.
Graduate and undergraduate students from all faculties and departments are encouraged to submit an abstract for a poster presentation or a four-minute presentation on any aspect of sustainability.
To register for the event or to submit an abstract visit: http://mcgillsustainabilitysymposium.wordpress.com/
Cool Thing of the Week
This is more about DIY and less about geography, but here is how one guy came up with a way to print his maps onto garbage bags so he could have waterproof ones for hiking! Very useful for working out in the field.
Have a good week everyone!
Dept. of Geography
McGill University
Burnside Hall, Rm 305
805 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, QC
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