Wine and Cheese, Clothing Sales and more!

11:52:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

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  1. Field Notes Wine and Cheese
  2. Clothing Sales
  3. Arts Undergraduate Improvement Fund – What do you want to see in our department?
  4. Indigenous Studies Forum
  5. Canadian University Science Games
  6. New GeoSpatial software available – Free!

Hey Geographers! It looks like the end of the semester is drawing near, but the end of the workload seems miles away. As we're wrapping up the last of the assignments, presentations, and quizzes, and as our American friends spend some quality time with their families at home, let's see what's coming up in the next week.

Field Notes Journal Publication Wine and Cheese

It's finally out! Time to see the journal that many of our friends in the geography department have contributed to, either through their research papers or through the assembly and publication of the journal itself. MUGS and Field Notes are collaborating for an awesome launch wine and cheese party on Thursday November 29th from 4-6 pm in Burnside 426.

Clothing Sales

MUGS clothing is still being sold every day in the lounge! Office hours are from 1:00-2:30pm, you can get T-shirts for $15 and hoodies for $40. Come check out the logo and styles!

Arts Undergraduate Improvement Fund – What do you want to see in our department?

Geography has the opportunity for funding for any improvements we want to see in our department. This applies to student space, not classes. Email us with your ideas on what you think MUGS needs; reading lamps in the lounge, a new coffee machine, anything that you think will add value to the resources normally provided by the university and used by students.

Indigenous Studies Forum

Recently, the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada has committed to house a North American Indigenous Studies (working title) minor program within the Faculty of Arts. Much of what the program will look like is yet to be determined and we are seeking your participation. SSMU will be hosting a public forum on a North American Indigenous Studies (working title) minor program at McGill University in the Lev Bukhman room of the SSMU building on Tuesday, November 27th from 2:00-4:00 pm. Hope to see you all there!

Canadian University Science Games

This year the Canadian University Science Games are being held at the University of Western Ontario! This is a weekend-long event filled with exciting challenges to test your book smarts and street smarts (not sure what kind of tests those will be). There are awesome prizes to be won! The event is from January 17th – 20th, and registration is $75/person, which covers food, accommodation and events. There are 10 positions available, email for more information.

New GeoSpatial Software Available – Free!

Geo-Segregation Analyzer is a new application that has been developed by the Spatial Analysis and Regional Economics Laboratory SAREL (Montreal). It is a multi-platform, multi-language and customisable application. You can download it for free at this link:

If you have any questions about the software, please email

Cool Thing of the Week

Check out these crumpled city maps! Pretty neat, eh?

Have a great weekend everyone!



Dept. of Geography
McGill University
Burnside Hall, Rm 305
805 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, QC

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