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- Coming soon, the Great Mugration Apartment Crawl
- Field Notes Call for Photo Submissions
- Looking for Undergraduate Research Assistant
- Do your course evaluations
- Students for Partners in Health Conference
- Cool Map of the Week - Election Style
Hey Geographers! Thank you to everyone that came to the weekend getaway, it was a huge success! To everyone that couldn't make it, don't fret, the apartment crawl is coming up next Friday!
1. Coming Soon – The Great Mugration Apartment Crawl
Are you ready for the greatest apartment crawl of the year? Three apartments, ten bucks, and a whole lot of alcohol! The theme is "MUGration", so get your wacky migration themed costumes ready.
2. Field Notes Call for Photo Submissions
Field Notes is looking for a photo to put on the cover of their journal! They will be accepting photo submissions until November 13th, submit your photo and have your work put on the front of every copy of this semester's edition of Field Notes! Submit your photos to journal.fieldnotes@gmail.com.
3. Do your course evaluations
McGill is wanting to remind everyone to do your course evaluations! They help the administration improve courses and make this school the best it can be. Go to Minerva to do yours!
4. Looking for an Undergraduate Research Assistant
Assistance is needed for a human geography project on land rights, conflict, and environmental change. The work would entail extracting data from archival material and their interpretation and entry into a database. Please contact Jon Unruh jon.unruh@mcgill.ca for further information.
5. Students for Partners in Health Conference
Partners in Health Canada is having a conference this Tuesday, November 13th at 7pm in Chancellor Day Hall, room 101. Mark Brender, the director of Partners in Health Canada, and Marika Shaw, member of Arcade Fire, are speaking there.
Email mcgillstudentsforpih@gmail.com for a ticket or just get one at the door! For more information join the facebook event! https://www.facebook.com/events/463533157032212/
6. Cool Map of the Week - Election Style
Everyone's going crazy over the most recent election, so as geographers it is our job to analyze where people voted! Here's a couple election maps for you:
Have a great weekend everyone!
Dept. of Geography
McGill University
Burnside Hall, Rm 305
805 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, QC
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