GIC Awards, Call for Photo Submissions, and more!

2:57:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

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  1. GIC awards
  2. MUGS clothing logo contest deadline extended to Friday
  3. Call out for photo submissions
  4. Cool Geography Thing of the Week

Hey everyone! Hope you're all having great weeks, destroying midterms and getting ready for even better weekends. It's raining right now, but that won't dampen our spirits! Finally, I can stay inside and study all day without feeling bad about how sunny it is outside. I hope all those people on the Ottawa trip are having a good time, maybe it's not raining over there.

1)     1) GIC awards

The GIC is giving awards this year! There are 3 up for grabs; one is ENVI remote sensing software, one is a publishing award of up to $600, and one is the ESRI award. See the attachment for more detail, you need to apply to receive any of these awards.

2)    2)  MUGS clothing logo contest

The logo contest deadline has been extended to Friday, October 19th (today)! If you have any designs bumping around in your head, send them our way by midnight tonight. MUGS council will be voting on your submissions next week, and you will be able to order your clothes very soon, so KEEP CHECKING THOSE EMAILS.

3)     3) Call for Photo Submissions

Do you have a knack for photography? Did you take photos at any MUGS events or on any Geography field trips? The Geography Department is looking for photos to display at McGill's open house on October 28th. If you took any photos on field trips or field semesters, send them to! Also if you have pictures from last year's events, that would be super.

4) Cool Geography Thing of the week
Have you ever heard the expression "digging to China"? Well, if you ever wondered where that deep hole would really end up, consult the antipode map. You will find the exact opposite end of the world from any point you wish!
Don't forget you can always submit your own cool geography thing of the week for me to put in the listserv! New ideas are always welcome.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Dept. of Geography
McGill University
Burnside Hall, Rm 305
805 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, QC

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