|MUGS| Introducing FIELD NOTES, Two Job offers, David Suzuki, and more!

6:31:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****


Hey All,

I know I promised I'd leave you alone...but let's act like I didn't. Congrats on finishing the year off! Here are some bits of news to start your summer:

i) Introducing FIELD NOTES (aka McGill Geography gets a journal and you can help out!):

As many of you might know, up until this very moment, the geography department has not had an undergraduate academic journal. We think enough is enough! Thus, we introduce Field Notes. The journal is an opportunity for undergraduate students to publish their original work and highlight the department's innovative research. Field Notes provides a medium for students and faculty to engage in discussion on geographic thought and practice. The journal seeks to exhibit written and visual work from a diverse group of students. In this way, the journal will represent the varied disciplines within the department, from physical to cultural geography.

Call for Editors
Field Notes needs your help! Your co-editors in chief, Miriam Dreiblatt and Jeremy Keyzer, are looking to assemble a team of editors to help launch the journal in the coming year. Editors will work collaboratively to review submissions and conduct peer review sessions. Interested applicants should send a 250-word outline, describing their reasons for applying and any past involvement as part of a journal or newspaper staff. Applicants with editorial experience are highly encouraged to apply.

Please send the document to journal.fieldnotes@gmail.com<mailto:journal.fieldnotes@gmail.com> by May 30th, 2012, and include your major/minor, year of study (in 2012-2013), and discipline focus in the department (i.e. GIS, urban systems, health, development, physical, environmental, political, economic, and cultural geography). All applicants must be available for both the fall and winter semesters.

Layout/Design Editor
We are also looking for a layout editor, capable of designing the journal. Applicants should be literate in In-Design and/or Photoshop, and be comfortable working independently. Interested students should follow the application guidelines for editors, and include a description of their design experience. The same conditions regarding availability apply for this position.

Call for Submissions
We welcome paper and map submissions, as well as original artwork. An official call for submissions will be issued in early September, but for those interested please safeguard relevant written and visual work. We will also accept submissions from graduating students for next year's journal. Work must have received an A- or A for consideration.

We look forward to hearing from you,
Miriam and Jeremy

ii) Some Internship Positions (check attachments!):

First, Jan Franssen, a postdoctoral researcher in fluvial geomorphology is looking to hire one or more lab/field assistants for June-August, to help with work on the impact of climate change on salmon populations. It involves both office and fieldwork. If that doesn't tickle your fancy, check out the other attachment! The Water Resource Management team at McGill is looking for a student to assist from May-August to help determine how to best reduce the amount of water our campus consumes.

iii) Staying in Montreal for the summer? Check out David Suzuki: At the Montreal International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas, on Friday, May 18th, David Suzuki will be giving a talk open to the public entitled "Humanity in Collision with the Biosphere: Is it too Late?"....even better, you can get in for free! Details here: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/3428477669/efblike

iv) Pic of the Week: This amazing phot0 of Shanghai is the most high-resolution photo ever taken- http://www.shanghai-272-gigapixels.com/ have fun wasting your time looking into all the different windows! But just keep in mind that soon enough this technology will make its way into your bedroom.

v) Map of the Week: An amazing map by Eric Fischer showcasing where the foreclosure crisis hit hardest in the Continental United States (each red dot is 100 occupied houses and each blue dot is 100 vacant houses) - http://www.flickr.com/photos/walkingsf/5565480183/sizes/o/in/photostream/

So long (I actually mean it this time),


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