Welcome to the department| Book-sawp/Pizza| Lockers
*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****
Hello Geographers,
Welcome back! As you should know probably know yesterday was the first day of school and we have a few upcoming events to jump start the semester.
i) Friday September 4th – 2:30pm, "Welcome to the department" The Geography Undergraduate Departmental Orientation will take place in room 426, Burnside hall. The event includes a short tour of the geography facilities. Refreshments will be served.
ii)Tuesday September 8th- 1pm, MUGS "Book-Swap & Pizza Lunch" is the first event of the year. It's a great opportunity to buy/sell/trade books/snack, mix with fellow geographers and eat some FREE pizza on MUGS. The event will take place in in the lounge room 305, Burnside.
iii)a) Starting Wednesday September 9th - Lockers will be available for sale! So feel free to come by the MUGS lounge (rm. 305) and stay tuned for drop-in hours. A locker in the Burnside basement will cost 10$ for non-geographers, and 0$ for geography students- the price is right!
b) ATTENTION, locks are being cut on the over the weekend so be sure clean out your locker as the list of locks to be cut will be produced this weekend before the holiday on Monday. To renew your locker: please email MUGS at mcgillgeography@gmail.com with your name, department, student number and current locker number by the end of this week before locks are cut.
Cheers everyone!
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