GEOGRAPHY GETAWAY IS COMING and Opportunites for Awards, Internships, and Jobs

9:39:00 am McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

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  2. Coming soon… the Great Mugration
  3. Now selling MUGS Apparel – T-shirts, hoodies, and toques!!
  4. 2013 AUCC Students for Development Award
  5. PhD Student looking for lab assistant this semester (fall 2012)
  6. Survey conducted by honours student
  7. PAID Education and Research Internship Available
  8. VOYAGES Campus talk

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a spooky Halloween. I just want to remind all you tired and hungry geographers out there that there are FREE coffee and cookies provided every Monday at 1pm in the lounge by MUGS! Also, don't forget to check out our Facebook page and 'like' it.


Are you as stoked as I am about this? Because I don't think that's possible. Tickets are selling fast, so if you want a chance to get away from the city with the coolest people around, you'd better buy your ticket today! You can also buy them tomorrow. Once again, the bus leaves Roddick gates on Friday at 6pm and will bring you back Sunday at noon.

2. Coming soon…the Great Migration

The infamous Geography apartment crawl is happening November 16th. Get ready.

3. Now selling McGill Geography Apparel!

Now that our logo contest winner has been chosen, we can start selling clothes! We have fabulous hoodies, T-shirts, and TOQUES available in tons of colours and sizes. Drop by the MUGS lounge any day next week to view the catalog and order some clothes.

4. 2013 AUCC Students for Development Award

There's an award up for grabs! This one is from the Students for Development (SFD) Program, which is managed by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC).  The AUCC-SFD Program aims to increase collaboration between Canadian universities and developing country partners to build capacity in three areas: 1) Increasing food security; 2) Securing the future of children and youth; and 3) Stimulating sustainable economic growth.  The program grants $6,500 (for a three-month internship) to 10 McGill students who gain academic credit through internships in developing countries.

There is an information session on Tuesday, November 6th from 10:30-11:30 in Arts 160. You can learn more about the program on this webpage:

5. PhD Student looking for lab assistant this semester

Zheng Wang is a biogeochemist looking for lab assistants for the month of November. No formal qualifications are required except of an interest in environmental science. Some familiarity with basic laboratory practices (such calculating concentrations and dilutions) and the use of analytical instruments would be an asset. The position will start as soon as an adequate candidate is found. The pay is $11/hr. For more information, please see the attached form and email Zheng at

6. Please Take Sara's Survey!

Sara Muncs is an Arts and Science undergrad doing her honours project in Environment. She's doing a survey about FOOD, and more importantly, the motivations behind people's food choices. Take a look at the attached file to learn more about the survey, or just follow this link to start taking it!

7. PAID Research and Education Internship Available

My goodness, there are so many financial opportunities being advertised this week! The internship will be with the Office of Sustainability and offers $1000 per semester. Please see the attached file.

8. VOYAGES Campus Talk

Fellow student Lauren Fraser will be talking TONIGHT at Burritoville about her travels in Asia. She will also be giving tips for independent, solo, and first time travelers. Come hear about Lauren's experiences in Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand,China... and also Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan! 6pm November 1st, 3rd floor of Burritoville, 2055 Rue Bishop

Cool Map of the Week

Ok this was a really long listserv and you deserve a reward for actually reading all the way to the bottom. I found this world map game and it's actually a lot of fun. Also it's on a Japan-based website so the game is flash-based and fun to use.


Keep on truckin'


Dept. of Geography
McGill University
Burnside Hall, Rm 305
805 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, QC

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