A Very Thanksgiving Listserv (Sent a second time after MUGS list update)

11:59:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****

What's happening my straight-up G's? G's as in Geographers, obviously.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and everyone is donning their orange sweaters and eating a sacrificial Thanksgiving beast to honour the people the fought for our country. Or something. Can anybody tell me what Canadian Thanksgiving even is? Anyway it means that there's a long weekend and that's good enough for me.

So as promised, MUGS has some fabulous events coming up which are going to be announced in this very listserv. And a logo design contest for the new MUGS apparel which you can get as a Christmas gift for yourself! Oh my goodness, everything is just happening at once.

1) Field Notes Submission Deadline

2)  LASER Lecture 

3) Green Corps: The Field School for Environmental Organizing

4) MUGS Clothing logo design

5)  Autumn Feast

Field Notes Submission Deadline

The Geography journal, Field Notes, is taking submissions up till THIS FRIDAY, October 5th. If you have an A- to A grade original research paper kicking around that you want to have other geographers read, send it in a word document to journal.fieldnotes@gmail.com

LASER Lectures

On Tuesday October 16th, LASER (Laboratoire d'Analyse Spatiale et d'Economie Régionale), will be holding lunch time conferences at the Centre Urbanisation Culture Societe de l'INRS.

In the first meeting, LASER will be presenting their team's work, the tools, the data and geomatic services offered there. You will also get to meet professors Mario Polèse, Marie-Soleil Cloutier, Philippe Apparicio, Gaetan Dussault and Richard Shearmur and hear about their current research topics.

The first conference will be held at 12:15 in room 2109. The Centre Urbanisation Culture Societe is on 385 Sherbrooke Street East, which is on the corner of St. Denis and Sherbrooke.

*** The email that MUGS received about this conference was entirely in French. If you are not fluent in French, attending this conference is not recommended.

Green Corps: The Field School for Environmental Organizing

Okay, now THIS sounds cool! Green Corps is looking for college graduates who are ready to take on the biggest environmental challenges of our day.

In their year-long paid program, you¹ll get intensive training in the skills you¹ll need to make a difference in the world. You¹ll get hands-on experience fighting to solve urgent environmental problems with groups such as Sierra Club and Food and Water Watch. And, when you graduate from Green Corps, they'll help you find a career with one of the nation¹s leading environmental and social change groups.

Green Corps' year-long program begins in August 2013 with Introductory Classroom Training in Boston, and continues with field placements in multiple locations across the U.S. Candidates must be willing to relocate.

For more information, visit the web site: www.greencorps.org, contact Aaron Myran, Recruitment Director, at jobs@greencorps.org, or email me to look at the full email that was sent to McGill Geography.

MUGS Apparel Logo Design Contest

This year we're updating the logo on our MUGS apparel! If you want to have a say in what goes on this year's MUGS apparel, submit your logo as a PDF or TIF file to mcgillgeography@gmail.com by 5pm on October 17th. MUGS council will decide the winner and you will get bragging rights for an indefinite amount of time!

On that note, MUGS apparel is coming out! Some time after the logo contest, we will have a catalog available in the lounge for you to browse your favourite colours and styles of sweatshirts, t-shirts, TOQUES, and all that good stuff.

Autumn Feast!

If you thought that all the good food, pumpkin pie, and festivity would be lost after Thanksgiving, you're sorely mistaken. The Friday after Thanksgiving weekend, that is, October 12th, we will be having a fabulous Autumn Feast in the MUGS lounge starting at 1:30. The event is potluck so you will get to share food with your fellow geographers and participate in some super-duper activities. Check out the facebook group for more info.

Cool Thing of the Week: 13 of the Most Bizarre Lakes in the World




Happy Thanksgiving my Straight-up G's!


Dept. of Geography
McGill University
Burnside Hall, Rm 305
805 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, QC

Dept. of Geography
McGill University
Burnside Hall, Rm 305
805 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, QC

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