(MUGS) Geospectives| GIS teacher

1:11:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****

Hello Geographers!
This one's short- check it out:

i) GEOSPECTIVES TOMORROW (Thurs 24 Nov, 3pm, rm 306): Despite the somewhat dry title (Participatory DIY Mapping as Tactical Intervention in Contested Spaces), this is going to be a fabulous talk – Prof. Sawhney from the New School for Public Engagement, New York, works with local communities and contested spaces/struggles (Gaza, refugee camps, Occupy New York), using creative cool methods of citizen mapping, video, storytelling to support civic agency. He's won a ton of awards, and is going to be a great speaker! Don't miss it!

ii) GIS HELP: Professor Forest has received a request for a student GIS teacher (for open source QGIS package), check it out:
I work as an information manager during humanitarian emergencies (currently for UNICEF and Save the Children). This summer when war broke out in Cote d'Ivoire I was deployed there to try and help coordinate the education sector's response. One major resource I noticed that was lacking during the response was that of maps. I did try contacting the 'map experts' in the field but they either did not have the time or the personnel to meet the education sector's needs. Since arriving home here in Montreal, I have set out trying to learn some basic GIS and mapping skills so that I might be better prepared for the next crisis.
I am writing to inquire if you or one of your colleagues might have a student or two gifted in GIS mapping that might be willing to walk me through some of the basics. I have downloaded the open sourced QGIS (funding limitations won't allow for arcGIS at the moment) and have been working through the user's manual, but it would be infinitely helpful if I could have someone to pose my questions to.
Many thanks in advance for your help.
I will be working specifically for the Education Cluster (run jointly by UNICEF and Save the Children) which has an explanatory page hosted on a UN OCHA webiste http://oneresponse.info/GLOBALCLUSTERS/EDUCATION/Pages/default.aspx
Best wishes,
Landon Newby
If you are interested, please contact him directly (Landon Newby <lsnewby@gmail.com>).



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Geospectives, Independent Study opportunity, and more!

5:34:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****


'Allo Muggahs!

Firstly, thanks a ton to the presenters and those who came to GIS day! With that out of the way, here's the news:

This Thursday, at 3 in Burnside 306, Nitin Sawhney, assistiant professor of Media Studies at the New School for Public Engagement in New York will be presenting a talk entitled "Participatory DIY Mapping as Tactical Intervention in Contested Spaces"...un-wine and cheese reception to follow. Check out the abstract!

In this talk we examine the emerging role of DIY (do‐it‐yourself) mapping as a set of tactical
tools and practices used among local communities and activists to collectively survey, research
and mobilize action around contested issues and struggles. The recent availability of simple and
affordable aerial mapping technologies as well as open source online tools has facilitated
greater participation among amateur mappers, activists and citizen groups.
We will consider how these grassroots mapping approaches have been used globally in the
context of environmental action, civic agency and protest. These will be illustrated by recent
environmental actions undertaken by citizen activists monitoring oil spills and urban pollution,
preventing logging in natural parks, and supporting tree planting in cities. We will also examine
initiatives conducted with marginalized youth in slums and refugee camps to develop spatial
narratives around land rights, conflict and occupation. Finally, we'll consider recent aerial
mapping of protests in Jerusalem and during Occupy Wall Street in Manhattan.
What is the role of such participatory mapping initiatives to support civic agency and sociopolitical
advocacy? What sorts of tools, open access content, and pedagogical practices better
support such initiatives? How can researchers work closely with citizen groups in participatory
mapping and what can be learned from such engagement? What are the limitations, risks and
ethical concerns if any, and how should they be mediated? These are some of the questions the
talk will seek to pose for discussion among participants.

ii) INDEPENDENT STUDY IN REMOTE SENSING (see attached poster):
Cloud forest conservation in Northwest Ecuador: Is community reforestation working to increase forest cover?

What the project entails:

- Using LANDSAT images from 2001 and 2010 in a heavily deforested region of Andean Ecuador, you will determine changes in forest cover and general land use before and after the implementation of community reforestation projects

- There are plenty of opportunities to expand/ develop questions further

- This work will be part of a larger research project looking at how community reforestation affects both people's livelihoods and forest biodiversity in this megabiodiverse region of the Andes


- You need to have completed coursework in remote sensing and/or experience working with satellite images and remote sensing

- Also, an interest (but not necessarily experience) in tropical forest conservation

Contact: sarah.wilson@mail.mcgill.ca<mailto:sarah.wilson@mail.mcgill.ca>


Location: Department of Biology & McGill School of Environment, McGill University

Project Title: Predictive modelling under uncertainty: applications to environmental issues.

Students will perform ecological modelling to investigate ecological and management-related
questions for invasive species. Invasive species species have been identified as one of the five
main drivers of global change by the Millennium ecosystem assessment, and cause damages
estimated at over 100 Billion dollars annually. While broad generalizations can be made on the
impact of global drivers, detailed and specific predictions for management decisions are lacking.
Such predictions are made difficult by limited information, time, resources and communication,
which affect virtually all environmental issues. In an increasingly complex world with various
global drivers producing environmental, social and economic impacts, understanding and dealing
with uncertainty is crucial. Addressing limitations that result in uncertainty will be a highly
transferable and sought-after skill-set in any environmental field. Students will develop and
apply the modelling skills needed to address some of the key challenges associated with
uncertainty and real-world limitations. Students will make ecological predictions and explore
management options for invasive species. There will also be the opportunity to engage in field
work in freshwater lake or coastal marine systems, depending on interest and experience.

Supervisor: Brian Leung

Contact Information: brian.leung2@mcgill.ca

Here are a few gems, couldn't pick just one.-
1) A fantastic comic on different ways of projecting the planet: http://xkcd.com/977/
2) An amazing overlay from The Atlantic of NASA's "earth at night" map with facebook's friendship map: http://cdn.theatlantic.com/static/mt/assets/science/Facebook-NASA-Mashup.jpg
3) Ingenius map showing american states with their population and GDP equivalent countries: http://i.imgur.com/TiP44.jpg

Just a swimming pool in Singapore: http://i.imgur.com/0nLuB.jpg

That's all for now, if there's anything we should include in next week's listserve, send it in (mcgillgeography@gmail.com)!...Have an amazing week!



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(MUGS) Study abroad/field study opportunites | Funding | GIS DAY

11:54:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****

Hellooo geographers!

Getting panicked about less warm, sun-filled hours? Imminent snow storms? Have no fear- this addition of the listserv should pick you up- study abroad, get out in the field!
Don't let your work get you down! Look ahead toward exciting things, read on..

i) FSWEP: Thinking about next summer already?? The Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP) campaign runs from October 19, 2011 to October 2012. FSWEP provides full-time returning students valuable, hands-on work experience related to their field of study and allows for a wealth of learning opportunities. These opportunities encompass a wide range of duties and responsibilities as they relate directly and indirectly to providing service to all Canadians. This full spectrum includes office and clerical work, field and lab work, information technology work and working outdoors. Full information and application details at: http://jobs-emplois.gc.ca/fswep-pfete/index-eng.htm/

ii) PANAMA: Interested in the Panama Field Study Semester? The information session is on NOVEMBER 15, 2011 - 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM in Burnside Hall, Room 426. Come find out about the program, courses, internships, travel information, application requirements, and talk with students from last year and discover what the program is all about...

iii) FIELD SCHOOL: Interested in travelling abroad and getting credits at the same time? Check out the attachments above about the University of Calgary's Geography Overseas Field School! a) "Globalization and Sustainability in East Asia" July 4 - August 8, 2012; and b) "Sustainability & the City, Learning from Europe" June 2012. Check out these great opportunities to broaden your horizons!

iv) SCIENCE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM: Check out McGill field study semesters with the "Science Internship Program", jointly presented by SUS and the Internships and Field Studies Office. The info session for this cool program will be Nov. 14, 2011 - 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM in McConnell Engineering Building, Room 304. Check it out!

v) SURAs: Due to the generous support of Wendy Dobson and Wendy Hayes, the Faculty of Science is able to offer up to two SURAs (Science Undergraduate Research Awards) in the Winter 2012 academic term. Based on the donors' terms, these particular SURAs are for FEMALE students. This opportunity may be of special interest to (female) students who will have just completed their coursework, but who have not yet started graduate school or employment (etc.) in the winter term. SURAs are for both Canadian and international McGill students registered in a science undergraduate program. SURA recipients will engage in 16 weeks of full-time research and development activity under the supervision of a McGill Science professor, in the Winter 2012 academic term. These SURAs will be valued at $5600 minimum (source: Faculty of Science/donors, $2800; supervisor, minimum $2800). Please see further details at http://www.mcgill.ca/science/research/ours/sura/. Please note that the deadline to apply is Wednesday, NOVEMBER 16, 2011, 5:00pm. For any questions about student or supervisor eligibility, please contact victor.chisholm@mcgill.ca

vi) GIS DAY: Don't forget- GIS day is WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 16th from 2:30pm - 5:30pm! MUGS will be hosting some GIS experts to give presentations about how they use GIS for their studies. This is a great way to see how YOU could become involved with GIS work, how you can incorporate it into your studies or job, or just for you to socialize with geographers and learn something new! Highlighted presenters:

Sherry Olson, "Hitching GIS to History: Montreal in 1912".Sherry Olson, Professor of Geography at McGill, and co-author of a new book called "Peopling the North American City, Montreal 1840-1900". Her project is part of "MAP, Montréal, l'avenir du passé", shared by people with a historical interest but from various backgrounds – architecture, geography, anthropology, epidemiology.
Pablo Arroyo, "A Forestry GIS for improving conservation strategies in Costa Rica."
I will present a long term project aiming to build a large GIS database using selective logging information in Costa Rica. Selective logging's main objective is to sustainably manage timber, however its sustainability hasn't yet been fully tested. For the last 7 years, in an effort involving students and researchers, I have been collecting, organizing and analyzing historical selective logging information at the conservation area level in Costa Rica. My work shows the potential use of this database in timber species distribution mapping, tree diversity assessment and carbon measurements, important for conservation initiatives such a the UN-REDD program.

And finally,

vii) MAP OF THE WEEK: World shipping routes:


That's it for now, have a great weekend!




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(MUGS) Apartment Crawl| GIS Day| Science Semiformal

10:14:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****


Hey Geopeople,

Here are some reminders from last week, but also some new stuff, check it out:

i) APARTMENT CRAWL through the biomes!!: What could be better than partying your way through the Savanna, the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic AND the Jungle all in one night?! (this means costumes, people!) Get ready, geographers, for the beloved Geography Apartment Crawl!! The big day is FRIDAY! We will meet in the lounge (Burnside 305) from 6:30 - 7 for sign-in and pizza, and then will head out on our adventure at 7 PM SHARP! Non-alcoholic drinks and munchies will also be served at each location!
TICKETS - on sale for $10 (or $12.50 with a transit ticket) in the lounge everyday this week from 11-1!
** Tickets will only be available for geography students (majors/minors) first, and will later be opened to other departments if there are still available tickets in the last couple of days. We will keep you updated!

ii) GIS DAY: Mark your calendars- WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 16th from 2:30pm - 5:30pm, join us in celebrating GIS day! MUGS will be hosting some GIS experts from McGill and beyond, who will be giving presentations about how they use GIS for their studies/jobs etc. This is a great way to see how YOU could become involved with GIS work, how you can incorporate it into your studies or job, or just for you to socialize with geographers and learn something new!

There will be a mini-reception after with sweet and savoury treats from Organic Campus (gotta love that sweet potato cinnamon bread) as well as an opportunity to enter a draw and win some ESRI swag. Thanks ESRI!
Finally, there will be a GIS challenge for those who are just SUPER into GIS! More details TBA, but get a team of 2+ together if you're interested, no need to sign up yet! All proceeds from the day will go towards the winner's charity of choice!

iii) SCIENCE SEMI-FORMAL TICKETS: MUGS's SUS representative has a few tickets available for purchase for the SUS semi-formal this Friday ...the cost is $85 for dinner and dancing, and $45 for the dance only. E-mail us at mcgillgeography@gmail.com if you're interested, please let us know by Thursday!

iv) MAP OF THE WEEK: http://i.imgur.com/MhEDy.jpg ...the most popular boys and girls baby names for each country in Europe!

v) PICTURE OF THE WEEK: http://i.imgur.com/Gs3d3.jpg just because, right around now, winter starts to seem so far away.

Have a great week!


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