(MUGS) Elections| Field School| Clothing|

2:17:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****

Hello Geographers!

i) ELECTIONS: A big congratulations to Malcolm Araos Egan who has been elected your MUGS AUS representative for next year! Thanks to everyone who voted, and to both candidates for their time and energy campaigning!

ii) 499 DEADLINE: A friendly reminder that the application deadline for GEOG 499 Subarctic Field Studies Schefferville is tomorrow, Tuesday, April 5. Applications can be picked up and dropped off at Burnside Hall Room 727. Please see Carly Gips.

iii) CLOTHING: A few of you still haven't picked up your geog clothing orders- don't forget! Drop by the lounge and ask an exec to help you out. For those whose orders had to be redone (our apologies) the correct batch should be here by Wednesday!



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