(MUGS) SUS Fair; Apartment Crawl; GIS day; Grad Fair

5:14:00 pm McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****

Hellooo all you wonderful Geographers!

Tons of great events are coming up, so have a read!

i) First, congrats to our two Harvest Challenge winners Stephanie Austin (candy count) and Fran Berish
(squash guess)- come pick up your prizes in the MUGS lounge! Thanks to all who came out for the festivities,
Harvest Challenge was a huge success!

ii) The SUS charity fair is this week! Ongoing through Friday, the charity fair raises money across faculties
and across campus. Come out Friday for the execs 100m dash and auctioning. For more info on events and
locations, see the facebook group or the website:
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=107415159322239&ref=search or charity.sus.mcgill.ca

iii) Apartment Crawl is coming!! Our annual Geography apartment crawl is happening Friday November 12th.
Get ready for an amazing night of fun and (of course) mahem! Come get to know other new Geographers or
hang out with old geog buddies, in our fantastically 'elements'-themed partÉ. Costumes are encouraged,
and both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages will be available at each location. Tickets will be sold
(in the lounge) the week preceding the crawl (Nov 8-12): $10 for Geog students, $15 for non-Geogs, and
$5 extra for transportation. Starting at 6pm in the lounge with some free pizza, be prepared for a wicked
night around the city with your fellow Geographers!

iv) GIS day is speeding towards us- November 17th join us for an awesome day full of GIS, complete with
guest speakers and an afternoon of Geocashing around the city! More details coming soon- get pumped!

v) Are you graduating and want to know what's out there? Come to the science grad fair November 3rd in the
SSMU Ballroom from 10am-3:00pm!

And finally, just to broaden your geographic horizons:



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