Guest lecture by Prof. Jamie Peck, "Neoliberalism: dead or alive?"

11:20:00 am McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

What: Guest lecture, "Neoliberalism: dead or alive?"
Who: Prof. Jamie Peck
When: Friday, January 23, 2009, at 3:00 p.m. (15h)
Where: Burnside Hall, room 1b45

You may have noticed from posters in Burnside, but tomorrow Prof. Jamie Peck from U.B.C. will be giving a lecture titled "Neoliberalism: dead or alive?". In the realm of political and economic geography, Prof. Peck is kind of a big deal, to say the least. He's the Canada Research Chair in Urban and Regional Political Economy, not to mention his long list of publications. If you're in urban systems or human geography (not to mention political science, economics, or sociology) you shouldn't miss this lecture.

Hope to see you there.