Apartment Crawl, Geolympiads, Geography Town Hall, Undergraduate Geography Journal, Wine And Cheese

11:14:00 am McGill Undergraduate Geography Society 0 Comments

*** mcgillgeography@gmail.com *** http://mcgillgeography.blogspot.com ****


The annual MUGS Apartment Crawl is on this Friday night! Here's a run-down of the night:

8pm - 9pm: Meeting in MUGS Lounge for pizza and beverages to kick off the night.
9pm - 10pm: Next apartment (3524 Hutchison)
10pm - 11pm: Next apartment (5926 Rue Waverly - we will provide bus tickets to hop on the Parc bus to get up there).
11pm - 12pm: Next apartment (5338 St. Urbaine)
12pm onwards: Next apartment (3648 Clark)

A map of the route can be found here: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=109969584351491504308.00043e43f3cb02e6a1453&ll=45.513084,-73.583937&spn=0.044929,0.11467&z=14&om=1

If you can't join us from the beginning, check out the map/schedule and meet up with us en route. If you get lost/confused, call us at (514) 518 - 4606 and we'll try to sort it out.

The theme of the night is Spectrum - each apartment will feature a different color theme. Feel free to interpret this as you like, as regards costumes/personal themes for the night. The apartment themes are as follows:

Stop 1: Blue
Stop 2: Black
Stop 3: Red
Stop 4: Green.

Tickets are $10 and includes drinks all night, pizza at the outset, and a bus ticket up to Mile End. You can pick-up your shiny wristband at the following times in the MUGS lounge:

Wednesday: 11:00 - 2:00
Thursday: 11:00 - 2:00
Friday: 11:00 - 2:00.

The policy for the night is "bring your own" cups. In interests of conservation, we'd like to encourage reusing your own cups as much as possible.


This is an invitation to come take part in the 16th edition of the GEOLYMPIADS taking place in Trois Rivieres on January 11-13 2008. This a fun weekend for Geographers from all over Quebec to get together, party, and compete!

Additionally, like every year, there will be a range of sports and intellectual activities, for example: a short rally, snow sculptures, floor hockey, etc.

MUGS predicts that the weekend will cost anywhere from $70 to $80 for food/shelter for the weekend, plus around $40 for transportation (we'll probably be taking the bus, but might split a car).

Please send an email to mcgillgeography@gmail.com if you're interested in participating.


MUGS will be sponsoring a Town Hall event next Thursday (November 15th) at 5:30 in Burnside Hall Room 426. The purpose of this event is to stimulate some dialogue and discussion about students thoughts on the Geography program, courses, structure, et cetera. Bring your ideas / comments / feedback.  Snacks and beverages will be served.


MUGS is looking for Geographers who are interested in developing an Undergraduate Geography Journal. Specifically, we're looking for members of the editorial review board (4-5 people) and layout/graphic designers (1-2 people).

Send an email to mcgillgeography@gmail.com if you're interested.


The annual Geography Wine and Cheese will be held on Friday, November 30th. Save the date!
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